Night Owl

I kept going with the sketchbook in my pocket, as something amazing would come my way pretty much every other day, something worth making a note of and something I’d like to keep as a memory. Listening to the sounds of night forest, tracking traces left by animals, weaving stories from fragments of life, where …

Gwent Cardbacks set

Gwent cardbacks set I’ve designed for CDProjektRed Geralt’s Journey CIRI’s JOURNEY Wild Hunt Pursuit This one obviously was heavily inspired by polish master of art – Władysław Podkowiński and his work „Frenzy of Exultations (Szał uniesień), that fit so well to the story The Possession Fire The Last Farewell The Escape Portal Alzur’s Journey Sphinks Altar …

If you were a house

What would you be like? I would be small, old wooden house flying around mountains to watch sunsets and sunrises, followed by my favourite animals – ravens and wolves. I’m fascinated by how they build their relations in the wild, and how smart they are, do U know that crows communicate with wolves and tell …

Renata Rysuje

Welcome to my page That’s the self-portrai I drew while ago.